Clean Green Pressure Washers 2018 website update
Cras volutpat quam elementum, dapibus mi in, convallis ligula. Phasellus laoreet lorem a ante fringilla tincidunt. Donec vel mollis tortor. Etiam congue neque dapibus, fermentum justo nec, tempus lectus. Integer vitae fermentum nibh. Aenean scelerisque, tellus porta consectetur iaculis, odio elit adipiscing nisi, placerat viverra est lorem et risus. Donec gravida purus et adipiscing gravida. Morbi feugiat pellentesque porta. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent quis venenatis felis. Suspendisse cursus commodo nisl, et placerat magna. Pellentesque urna nibh, auctor sed diam at, fringilla eleifend nibh. Suspendisse volutpat consectetur quam non laoreet.
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Picsolve – Animated gif advert
Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed tincidunt, orci eu aliquet semper, neque orci tincidunt mauris, tristique convallis augue ante vel massa. Proin feugiat tortor sed dictum ultrices. Nam metus turpis, facilisis nec metus ut, porta fermentum eros. Curabitur in lacinia felis. Aliquam ut enim sit amet dui porttitor hendrerit vel non erat. Maecenas pharetra, enim sed elementum tincidunt, urna urna dignissim orci, non volutpat felis tortor sit amet mi. Morbi consectetur sagittis ipsum vitae fermentum. Proin pellentesque, elit eget interdum euismod, leo eros molestie velit, sed convallis lectus lacus a justo.
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Speed Ministry – Website
Following on from the design and production of the new branding for Speed Ministry Ltd they asked us to design and produce their new website. Their brief was to design the new site to promote the new business and to have an interactive element to the car power graphs.
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Bradstone Website Re-design project
Bradstone Website Re-design project
Aggregate Industries UK approached Jason Marriott Design Limited to help work on the new website re-design project.
The new website re-design project was again built using the EpiServer platform to give the sales managers full control of the site and its content.
We provided full creative support helping designing page layouts, web banners, and the image re-sizing throughout the site working alongside the Aggregate Digital marketing team.
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Aggregate Industries Website Re-design
Website Re-design
Aggregate Industries UK approached Jason Marriott Design Limited to work on their new website re-design project
The new site has been re-designed from scratch from the existing EpiServer platform to the new global Drupal platform.
We provided full creative support throughout the entire project, workingalongside the Aggregate Digital marketing team and the web-developers in France.
The new site was delivered on time and went live during December 2017 and has been a resounding success from day one!
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Binastore – Website design
Aliquam velit tellus, facilisis a eros vitae, porttitor viverra magna. Aenean quis lacinia velit. Ut posuere, neque id rhoncus faucibus, arcu nisl semper risus, id tincidunt odio ante sagittis nunc. Praesent eget dolor eu ante fringilla sagittis. Sed porta lectus ipsum, in accumsan arcu sollicitudin accumsan. Fusce luctus nulla eget ornare mollis. Nulla dolor justo, viverra a dignissim vel, dapibus sed lorem. Etiam congue metus metus. Mauris imperdiet mi vel feugiat iaculis. Sed est justo, placerat facilisis nunc sed, aliquet hendrerit orci. Etiam at sollicitudin nulla.
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Clean green pressure washers website
Cras volutpat quam elementum, dapibus mi in, convallis ligula. Phasellus laoreet lorem a ante fringilla tincidunt. Donec vel mollis tortor. Etiam congue neque dapibus, fermentum justo nec, tempus lectus. Integer vitae fermentum nibh. Aenean scelerisque, tellus porta consectetur iaculis, odio elit adipiscing nisi, placerat viverra est lorem et risus. Donec gravida purus et adipiscing gravida. Morbi feugiat pellentesque porta. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent quis venenatis felis. Suspendisse cursus commodo nisl, et placerat magna. Pellentesque urna nibh, auctor sed diam at, fringilla eleifend nibh. Suspendisse volutpat consectetur quam non laoreet.
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Bradstone Website Re-design project
Bradstone Website Re-design project
Aggregate Industries UK approached Jason Marriott Design Limited to work on the new website re-design project.
The new website re-design project was again built using the EpiServer platform to give the sales managers full control of the site and its content.
We provided full creative support throughout the entire project, designing and building the page layouts, web banners, and the structure of the whole site working alongside the Aggregate Digital marketing team.
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